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Mechanics, Materials & Manufacturing curriculum

Fundamental MMM courses

Autumn ME 503 3Continuum Mechanics
Autumn ME 551 3Elasticity I: Elastostatics
Autumn ME 556 3Experimental Stress Analysis I
Winter ME 552 3Viscoelasticity and Plasticity
Winter ME 557 3Experimental Stress Analysis II
Winter ME 559 3Introduction to Fracture Mechanics
Spring ME 541 3Fatigue of Materials

Other suggested courses based on focus areas

Biomechanics, cell mechanics, mechanobiology, biomaterials

Autumn ME 511 3Biological Frameworks for Engineers
Spring ME 478 4Finite Element Analysis
Spring ME 445 4Introduction to Biomechanics


Autumn MSE 475 4Introduction to Composite Materials
Winter ME 450 3Introduction to Composite Materials and Design
Winter AA 532 3Mechanics of Composite Materials
Winter AA 533 3Materials and Processing Technology of Aerospace Composites
Winter AA 534 3Integrity of Composite Aircraft Structures
Spring ME 553 3Adhesion Mechanics
Spring ME 562 3Introduction to Electronic Composites
Spring ME 5633Advanced Composites: Manufacturing and Processing

Micro/nano technology

Autumn ME 410 3Nanodevices: Design and Manufacture
Autumn ME 504 4Introduction to Microelectro Mechanical Systems
Autumn ME 561 3Mechanics of Thin Films
Spring ME 553 3Adhesion Mechanics

Active/sensing materials and actuators

Spring ME 568 3 Active and Sensing Materials


Autumn ME 501 3Modern Manufacturing Processes
Autumn ME 410 3Nanodevices: Design and Manufacture
Autumn ME 409 3Introduction to Numerical Control and Computer-Aided Manufacturing
Autumn IND E 521 3Quality Control in Manufacturing
Winter ME 508 3Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements
Spring ME 505 3Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Spring ME 541 3Fatigue of Materials
Spring IND E 524 3Robust Design and Quality Engineering

Sample Schedule*

Required courses   
Courses that fulfill computational and numerical analysis requirement
Course no. Quarter Credits
ME 564 AUT Yr 1 3
ME 501 AUT Yr 1 3
ME 503 1 AUT Yr 1 3
ME 551 AUT Yr 1 3
Total credits 10
Course no. Quarter Credits
ME 565 WIN Yr 1 3
ME 574 WIN Yr 1 3
ME 559 WIN Yr 1 3
Or ME 557 WIN Yr 1 3
Total credits 10
Course no. Quarter Credits
Or ME 535 SPR Yr 1 3
ME 541 SPR Yr 1 3
ME 568 SPR Yr 1 3
ME 598
or ME 600
SPR Yr 1 variable
Total credits 11
Course no.QuarterCredits
Elective 1AUT Yr 23
Elective 2AUT Yr 23
Elective 3AUT Yr 23
ME 598
or ME 600
AUT Yr 2variable
Total credits11
Grand total42

* May be adjusted based on student's selection of concentrations and elective courses.

1 For students continuing for Ph.D.