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Current students

Student resources

About UW Mechanical Engineering

Before you register

How to register

  • Register via MyUW

    Register for classes by using the five-digit schedule line number (for some courses, a five-digit entry or faculty code is also needed).

  • Time conflicts

    You may not register for two courses that meet at the same time or for courses with overlapping meeting times. If you want to add a course that conflicts with another, students must complete this Registration Transaction Form.

    • If the overlap is one hour or less per week, obtain the verbal approval of both instructors.
    • If the overlap is more than one hour per week, you must obtain the signatures of both instructors.
  • Registration periods

    Registration periods are used to control when certain groups of students can register for certain classes.

    • Period 1 is the time when currently enrolled students register.
    • Period 2 is the time when new students register.
    • Period 3 is the first week of classes.

    The dates for these periods each quarter can be found in the Academic Calendar.

  • Graduate students only:

    • Obtaining entry/faculty codes

      Some courses require entry codes. Specific instructions for obtaining entry codes are available in the course notes section of each course listing in the UW Time Schedule.

      For courses requiring faculty codes (independent study, thesis, and dissertation), please contact the Graduate Academic Adviser at

    • On-Leave policy to maintain graduate student status

      To maintain graduate status, a student must be enrolled on a full-time, part-time, or official On-Leave basis from the time of first enrollment in the Graduate School until completion of all requirements for the graduate degree. (Summer quarter On-Leave enrollment is automatic for all graduate students who were either registered or officially On-Leave during the prior Spring Quarter.) Failure to maintain graduate student status requires payment of a $250 reinstatement fee in order to re-enter the graduate program.

      Submit the on-leave request via MyGrad Student View by the deadline.

Degree requirements and procedures

Undergraduate students

Master's students

PhD students

Financial assistance and related information

Computing and technologies

ME facilities and infrastructure

Graduation procedure

Emergency and safety information
