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Research centers

Mechanical engineering faculty lead or participate in interdisciplinary research centers across campus.

The Advanced Composites Center (ACC) will be a robust innovation ecosystem for industry and academia to advance the field of data-driven methods for composites manufacturing. With state-of-the-art facilities and first-class industrial partnerships, the ACC will be a national magnet for the design, manufacturing, evaluation and certification of the latest in composite systems.

Faculty: Ashis Banerjee, Steve Brunton, Xu Chen, Santosh Devasia, Joseph Garbini, Mohammad Malakooti, Ramulu Mamidala, Krithika Manohar, Lucas Meza, Per Reinhal, Aniruddh Vashisth, Junlan Wang

The AI Institute in Dynamic Systems will transform research and education in fundamental artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) theory, algorithms, and applications specifically for safe and certifiable real-time learning and control of complex dynamic systems.

Faculty: Steve Brunton, Krithika Manohar

The Boeing Advanced Research Collaboration (BARC) represents a new paradigm in the execution of industrial research at the University of Washington. Boeing-employed affiliate instructors work in the lab side by side with faculty and students on joint research projects in the manufacturing and assembly of aircraft and spacecraft structures.

Faculty: Ashis Banerjee, Steve Brunton, Xu Chen, Santosh Devasia, Joseph Garbini, Ramulu Mamidala, Krithika Manohar, Per Reinhall, Junlan Wang

The Center for Limb Loss and MoBility (CLiMB) within the VA Puget Sound Health Care System proudly partners with the University of Washington and the Department of Mechanical Engineering to enable students and faculty the opportunity to carry out biomechanics research that aims to preserve and enhance the mobility of veterans and others with lower limb musculoskeletal impairment or limb loss.

Faculty: Joseph Iaquinto, Glenn Klute, William Ledoux, Elizabeth Russell Esposito, Kat Steele Duane Storti, Brittney Muir

The Center for Research and Education on Accessible Technology and Experiences (CREATE) is led by an interdisciplinary team whose mission is to make technology accessible and to make the world accessible through technology.

Faculty: Kat Steele

The Clean Energy Institute (CEI) accelerates the adoption of a scalable clean energy future that will improve the health and economy of our state, nation and world. To accomplish this, CEI supports the advancement of next-generation solar energy and battery materials and devices, as well as their integration with systems and the grid.

Faculty: Corie L. Cobb, J. Devin MacKenzie, Junlan Wang

The Center for Industrial and Medical Ultrasound (CIMU) within the Applied Physics Laboratory aims to foster research collaborations, develop industrial and medical ultrasound technologies that have value to society, form partnerships with industry that enable this technology to be transferred to the commercial sector, and educate and train students.

Faculty: Michael Bailey, Tatiana Khokhlova

The eScience Institute empowers researchers and students in all fields to answer fundamental questions using large, complex and noisy data. As the hub of data-intensive discovery on campus, eScience leads a community of innovators in the techniques, technologies and best practices of data science and the fields that depend on them.

Faculty: Steve Brunton Jonathan Liu

The Institute for Nano-Engineered Systems (NanoES) accelerates the translation of nanoscale research into next-generation products for quantum information sciences, clean energy and medical diagnostics.

Faculty: Mohammad Malakooti, Lucas Meza, Igor Novosselov, Sawyer Fuller

The Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (ISCRM) is a center of discovery linking a pioneering past to a future of profound possibilities. With six UW colleges and thirty-eight different departments represented, ISCRM attracts researchers from around the world to work and study with the mission of turning fundamental discoveries in stem cell science into therapies for today’s patients.

Faculty: Dayong Gao, Nathan Sniadecki, Jenny Robinson, Joe Powers, Feini Qu

The Molecular Engineering & Sciences Institute (MolES) brings together engineers and scientists from across the University of Washington to develop molecular-based solutions for urgent societal problems and to educate the next generation of interdisciplinary researchers and innovators.

Faculty: Jae-Hyun Chung Corie L. Cobb, Santosh Devasia, Jonathan Liu, Igor Novosselov, Jonathan Posner, Eric Seibel, Nathan Sniadecki

The PACCAR Advanced Research Center (PARC) provides students a dedicated lab for PACCAR-sponsored capstone projects with goals of expanding into a collaborative research space for students, faculty and PACCAR engineers.

Faculty: Alberto Aliseda, Per Reinhall, Eli Patten

The Pacific Marine Energy Center (PMEC) is a consortium of three universities - the University of Washington, Oregon State University and University of Alaska Fairbanks - focused on the responsible advancement of marine energy. Researchers work with marine energy device developers, community members, ocean users, federal and state regulators and government officials to address key challenges of wave, tidal, in-river energy and offshore wind technologies.

Faculty: Alberto Aliseda, Steve Brunton, Mohammad Malakooti, Brian Polagye, Chris Bassett, Emma Cotter, Tim Mundon, Trent Dillon