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Seminar Series

Our seminar series provide opportunities for the UW ME community to gather for educational and social events. Lectures are free and open to the public, including alums, students, faculty and friends.


Graduate Seminar

(Every other Tuesday)

The ME graduate seminar series presents speakers of varied interests, industries, and professions. ME students, faculty and alumni are encouraged to attend, and graduate students can receive credit for ME 520 for attending. See the ME YouTube for a playlist of past recorded and publicly-available seminars.

Leadership Seminar

( ME 498, winter quarter only)

The annual Leadership Seminar Series demonstrates the breadth of career opportunities available to mechanical engineering graduates. The speakers are graduates of the UW ME department, and the seminar series provides opportunities for ME students and alumni to connect.

The seminars cover a range of topics, industries, and professions. All seminars include an informal dialogue between the speaker and attendees.

Chair's Distinguished Industry Lecture Series

(occasional invited talks)

The Chair's Distinguished Industry Lecture Series is designed to expose faculty and students to the latest trends, research and problems facing a particular industry today; and for industry leaders to present their perspective on these engineering challenges.

The goal is to introduce real-world industry challenges and hear how those challenges shape the outcome of new technologies, and how mechanical engineers fit into the problem solving piece of the puzzle. In general, how the problem was identified, what steps were taken to find solutions, how the industry team was formed around the issue and how it was solved.

This series is free and open to public. ME students and alumni are encouraged to attend.

BARC Seminar Series

(occasional invited talks)

The BARC seminar series brings top Boeing researchers to give talks at UW, and UW Faculty give talks at Boeing. The seminars in UW are attended by faculty and students from the College of Engineering. Boeing speakers discuss the engineering issues in their topic of expertise and provide insights into what helped them succeed in their careers.

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