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Biomechanics curriculum


Autumn ME 511 3 Biological Frameworks for Engineers [Syllabus]
Winter (odd) ME 5123Biomechanics of Movement [Syllabus
Winter (even)ME 527/BIOEN 5204Musculoskeletal Biomechanics [Course website]
AutumnME 537 3Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics [Course website]
Spring ME 5763 Mechanobiology
Autumn ME 586 3 Biology Inspired Robot Control [Syllabus]
Autumn BIOEN 326 3 Solid and Gel Biomechanics [Syllabus]
Autumn BIOL 427 5 Comparative Biomechanics [Course website]
Winter ME 599 3 Analysis and Modeling of Cell Mechanics [Course website]
Spring ME 445 / BIOEN 440 4Introduction to Biomechanics
Spring ME 519 1Biomechanics Seminar

Medical Applications

Autumn ME 514 3 Engineering Innovation in Medicine [Engineering Innovation in Health website]
Autumn BIOEN 590 3Engineering Materials for Biomedical Applications
Autumn BIOEN 586 3Tissue Engineering
Autumn BIOEN 504 4Introduction to Technology Commercialization
Winter ME 598 3Engineering Innovation in Medicine
Winter BIOEN 420 4Medical Imaging
Winter BIOEN 599 3 Cardiac Bioengineering [Syllabus]
Winter BIOEN 455 4BioMEMS
Winter ME 599E 3Micro/Nano Biosensors
Winter BIOEN 599 3Vascular Engineering
Spring ME 598 3Engineering Innovation in Medicine
Spring BIOEN 599 3Engineering Cell Biology
Spring BIOEN 585 4Computational Bioengineering

Rehabilitation & Biology

Autumn REHAB 541 1Gross Anatomy Laboratory - Extremities
Autumn REHAB 544 4Functional Anatomy for Rehabilitation of the Extremities
Winter REHAB 542 1Gross Anatomy Laboratory - Spine
Winter REHAB 545 3Functional Anatomy for Rehabilitation of the Spine

Neural Control

Autumn NEURO 554 1Motor Learning: Cellular and Network Mechanisms
Autumn BIOEN 498 / EE 400 3Neural Engineering
Winter CSE 529 3Neural Control of Movement

Other Recommended Courses

Autumn ME 556 3 Experimental Stress Analysis I [Course Website]
Autumn BIOST 517 4 Applied Biostatistics I [Course Website]
Autumn ME 473 4 Instrumentation [Syllabus]
Autumn ME 478 4 Finite Element Analysis [Course Website]
Autumn ME 551 3 Elasticity I [Course Website]
Autumn ME 599 3Fundamentals of Autonomous Robotic Systems 
Autumn BIOEN 498 3Bioengineering Statistics
Winter ME 557 3Experimental Stress Analysis II
Winter BIOST 518 4 Applied Biostatistics II [Syllabus]
Winter EE 543 4Models of Robotic Manipulation
Winter ME 552 3Elasticity II
Spring ME 478 4 Finite Element Analysis [Course Website]
Spring EE 544 4Advanced Robotic Manipulation

Sample Schedule*

Required courses   
Courses that fulfill computational and numerical analysis requirement
Course no. Quarter Credits
ME 564 AUT Yr 1 3
ME 537 AUT Yr 1 3
ME 514 AUT Yr 1 4
Or ME 538 AUT Yr 1 3
Total credits 10 or 11
Course no. Quarter Credits
ME 565 WIN Yr 1 3
ME 574 WIN Yr 1 3
ME 527 WIN Yr 1 4
ME 512 WIN Yr 1 3
Total credits 10
Course no.QuarterCredits
Or ME 535SPR Yr 13
ME 445SPR Yr 13
ME 537 (odd)
(Cardiovascular Fluid)
SPR Yr 13
ME 576SPR Yr 13
ME 598
or ME 600
SPR Yr 1variable
Total credits11
Course no.QuarterCredits
ME 537 (even)
(Topics in Fluid Mech)
AUT Yr 23
Elective courseAUT Yr 23
Elective courseAUT Yr 23
ME 598
or ME 600
AUT Yr 2variable
Total credits11
Grand total42

* May be adjusted based on student's selection of concentrations and elective courses.

View further notes for Biomechanics courses.