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Prototype shops

The ME Prototype Shops maintain a variety of fabrication and testing equipment for students and researchers. These resources help students learn by doing, allowing them to put into practice concepts from the classroom.

The shops are staffed by professional engineers, machinists, and technicians. The shop staff train users, keep equipment in working order, and consult on projects.

The shops operate as a service center. Shop fees for undergraduate students for work related to courses or academic teams are fully subsidized by academic departments.

Student using machine shop equipment


Machine Shop

The Machine Shop offers tools for various skill levels. Beginner-friendly tools include conversational mills, manual lathes, and 3D printers. For advanced users, there are CNC mills and lathes, welding equipment, a laser cutter, a waterjet cutter, and more.

Composite Shop

The Composite Shop provides a space for layups and composite manufacturing equipment including an autoclave, heated platen press, and CNC ply cutter.

Mechanical Test Lab

The Mechanical Test Lab has facilities for quasi-static load testing, cyclic fatigue testing, and a drop tower for impact testing. Also available are a variety of extensometers, load cells, and grips.