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Spring 2021 Edition

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Man looking to UW Ocean Sciences test tank

Lessons in the deep

An underwater robotic device called the µFloat, invented by mechanical engineering student Trevor Harrison, offers a new way to map underwater environments.

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close up of carbon fiber

The carbon fiber state

How Washington became a global epicenter for advanced carbon fiber.

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ME's student clubs logos

Clubs during COVID

Updates on how ME’s student clubs have adapted to overcome disruptions caused by the COVID-19 global pandemic.

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Four virtual worlds signal the future of VR for health

Four virtual worlds developed by ME’s Hunter Hoffman signal the future of VR for health.


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Engineering that tugs at the heartstrings

UW researchers engineer miniature beating heart tissues that allow them to study a range of topics in human health. 


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Alumni on board

A Q&A with Anders Brown, outgoing chair of ME’s External Advisory Board.


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How 2020 Outstanding Engineering Peer Educator Lily Vu supported students during an unprecedented year

Lily Vu, winner of the 2020 Outstanding Engineering Peer Educator Award, describes her experience mentoring this year’s incoming engineers remotely. 


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NIH backs UW effort to RESTRICT the spread of HIV

With new support from NIH, researchers are continuing development on a test designed to combat HIV.


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UW's marine renewable energy research gets a boost

Two recent funding announcements from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are good news for UW’s marine renewable energy research.


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NASA selects futuristic space concept for further study

The study will examine whether a structure small enough to fit inside a rocket fairing could expand large enough to create artificial gravity.


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List of 1,000 inspiring Black scientists includes ME's Ayokunle Olanrewaju

Seven University of Washington scientists, including ME Acting Assistant Professor Ayokunle Olanrewaju, are included in Cell Mentor’s list of 1,000 inspiring Black scientists, published in December 2020. 


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The MEssenger is the department's alumni newsletter. Published twice a year, it features stories about students, faculty, research, alumni and more.


