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Aniruddh Vashisth

Faculty Photo

Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering


  • Ph.D. Engineering Sciences and Mechanics Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 2018
  • M.S. Engineering Science and Mechanics Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 2014
  • B.Tech. Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology- BHU, India, 2012

Previous appointments

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M, 2020

Research Statement

Aniruddh's main areas of interest in Advanced Composite Materials are sustainable toughened composites, energy efficient manufacturing, and nano-structure-property relationship. His group will focus on understanding the underlying physics of advanced composites using a closely coupled experimental and theoretical approach. His work has applications in mechanical, aerospace, materials, and transportation industries. At UW, he plans to further explore fabrication and characterization of lightweight toughened composites, and mechanics of polymer-derived ceramics, rapid manufacturing of composites using Radio Frequency fields, and using atomistic simulations to understand the processing-structure-property relationship for materials. During his Ph.D.,  he developed Accelerated ReaxFF (reactive atomistic simulations) that can simulate reactive kinetics for high barrier energy reactions, this method has been incorporated in commercially available software such as SCM-ADF and LAMMPS. Also, he has two provisional patents on his work on targeted heating for multi-material bonding and continuous processing of carbon fibers using Radio Frequency Fields.

Select publications

  1. Kamble, M., Vashisth, A., Yang, H., Pranompont, S., Picu, C.R., Wang, D. and Koratkar, N., (2022). Reversing fatigue in carbon-fiber reinforced vitrimer composites. Carbon, 187, pp.108-114.
  2. Thiem, J., Cole, D.P., Dubey, U., Srivastava, A., Ashraf, C., Henry, T.C., Bakis, C.E. and Vashisth, A., (2022). Using data science to locate nanoparticles in a polymer matrix composite. Composites Science and Technology, 218, p.109205.
  3. Tezel, G.B., Sarmah, A., Desai, S., Vashisth, A. and Green, M.J., 2021. Kinetics of carbon nanotube-loaded epoxy curing: Rheometry, differential scanning calorimetry, and radio frequency heating. Carbon, 175, pp.1-10.
  4. Vashisth, A., Healey, R. E., Pospisil, M. J., Oh, J. H., & Green, M. J. (2020). Continuous processing of pre-pregs using radio frequency heating. Composites Science and Technology, 108211.
  5. Zhao, X., Vashisth, A., Prehn, E., Sun, W., Shah, S. A., Habib, T., ... & Green, M. J. (2019). Antioxidants unlock shelf-stable Ti3C2Tx (MXene) nanosheet dispersions. Matter, 1(2), 513-526.
  6. Vashisth, A., Khatri, S., Hahn, S. H., Zhang, W., Van Duin, A. C., & Naraghi, M. (2019). Mechanical size effects of amorphous polymer-derived ceramics at the nanoscale: experiments and ReaxFF simulations. Nanoscale, 11(15), 7447-7456.
  7. Vashisth, A., Ashraf, C., Bakis, C. E., & van Duin, A. C. (2018). Effect of chemical structure on thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy polymers: Comparison of accelerated ReaxFF simulations and experiments. Polymer, 158, 354-363.
  8. Vashisth, A., Ashraf, C., Zhang, W., Bakis, C. E., & Van Duin, A. C. (2018). Accelerated ReaxFF simulations for describing the reactive cross-linking of polymers. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 122(32), 6633-6642.
  9. Vashisth, A., Bakis, C. E., Ruggeri, C. R., Henry, T. C., & Roberts, G. D. (2018). Ballistic impact response of carbon/epoxy tubes with variable nanosilica content. Journal of Composite Materials, 52(12), 1589-1604.
