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Strategic plan

This plan is a process in which ME’s Diversity and Outreach Committee has focused on a vision for the future and identified the department's goals and objectives.

Completed and ongoing priorities


    Established the UW Mechanical Engineering DEI Officer position

    •  DEI officer hire
    •  Work with the Diversity & Outreach (D&O) Committee
    •  Advise on hiring for specific staff and faculty positions

    Elevating student voices

    •  Have representation from graduate and undergraduate students representation on the D&O committee
    •  Offer committee spots for MEGA, MESAR, ASME and any other student groups on the committee
    •  Provide feedback on the student survey and have ongoing discussions about survey results
    •  Continue forum discussions
    •  Focusing communications activities on students

    Grow DEI knowledge in the College and departments

    •  Forum discussions
    •  DEI resources website
    •  Entering Research class
    •  Newsletters
    •  DEI programming

    Partnering with departments

    •  Partner with the College of Engineering
    •  Partner with other departments, particularly departments outside the college with a DEI-focused mission
    •  Advise on hiring for specific staff and faculty positions

    Building strategic partnerships

    •  Partnering with clubs such as Brotherhood Initiative, AVELA (A Vision for Electronic Literacy & Access), the Washington State Academic RedShirt (STARS) program, community colleges, historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) amongst others
    •  Partnering with alums who are industry leaders on a student mentorship program.

    Improve faculty hiring processes

    •  Common search committee rubrics and processes
    •  Increase the number of places jobs are posted and diversify where they are posted

    Increase transparency by growing communications infrastructures

    •  Student, faculty, and staff surveys
    •  Email updates
    •  Avenues for students to access/talk to chair
    •  Reporting of department climate survey results (students, staff, and faculty)

    Inclusive Excellence Faculty Fellows

    •  DEI officer hire
    •  Work with the Diversity & Outreach (D&O) Committee
    •  Advise on hiring for specific staff and faculty positions

    Let’s Talk Diversity: Speaker Series

    •  DEI Officer’s bi-weekly forums
    •  Invite speakers from different departments, particularly for departments where research on DEI is occurring
    •  Engineering Education Research seminars
    •  Engineering Design for Diverse Populations seminars
    •  Affinity group in STEM seminars

    D&O Provides compensation for DEI-related honorariums

    •  Compensation for student groups that  want to focus on DEI-related issues or gatherings