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Doctor of Philosophy

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is the highest earned degree granted by U.S. universities. It recognizes the presence of superior qualities of mind and the creation of a significant, original contribution to knowledge. The award of the Ph.D. is based on the attainment of these goals and not on completion of a specific program of studies. Students must demonstrate strong scholastic ability throughout the program to complete independent research and to contribute creatively to advanced developments in engineering. The degree is approximately 30% course work and 70% research. Ph.D. students can attend the University of Washington on either a full-time or part-time basis. About 95% of the Ph.D. students attend full time.

Ph.D. students can be admitted via one of three paths:

  • Pre-M.S. Direct entry into the Ph.D. program without an MS degree
  • Post-M.S. Entry with an M.S. degree from another University
  • Post-M.S. Entry following the completion of an M.S. degree from the University of Washington

The curriculum requirements for each of these paths are somewhat different and can be found on the Ph.D. degree procedures page.