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Graduate Non-matriculated Status

Graduate non-matriculated (GNM) status allows post-baccalaureate students who are not presently seeking a graduate degree at the University of Washington to take UW graduate courses and apply the credits toward degree requirements should they later be accepted into a graduate program at the UW. (Acceptance as a GNM student does not confer priority for later admission to a graduate program at the UW.) GNM students may take any number of credits, however a maximum of 12 graduate-level credits may be applied toward degree requirements. Note that the credits must be in classes that are acceptable for the degree.

The GNM approach is most commonly used by those who have undergraduate records that do not support admission to regular graduate student status or students who want to try graduate work before committing to a degree program. Good performance (3.3 GPA in each course or higher) in GNM graduate classes will be taken as evidence of potential for success in future graduate study.

How to apply

The following items must be submitted to the Graduate School using the online application system:

GNM students who wish to apply for MSME or MSE admission later will need to go through the formal application process and submit all relevant documents. See the Application procedure for details. Enrolling as a GNM student and completing classes does not guarantee admission to a degree program.

GNM status is not available to international applicants wishing to obtain an I-20 for an F-1 student visa from the University of Washington. The University of Washington does not issue I-20s for non-matriculated study.