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Duane Storti

Faculty Photo

Mechanical Engineering

Adjunct Professor
Applied Mathematics


  • Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University, 1984
  • B.S. in Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University, 1979

Research Statement

Professor Storti is co-director of the Solheim Rapid Manufacturing Lab. His research interests lie primarily in the areas of 3D printing and novel approaches to geometric design. He has significant experience working to create new materials systems for 3D printing and maintains a strong interest in new approaches to solid modeling specifically suited for compatibility with 3D medical image stacks. (The emphasis on imaging and biomechanical applications is the product of an ongoing research program with colleagues at the Seattle VA Hospital and the UW Medical School’s departments of Radiology and Orthopaedics.) Real-time interaction with models based on image stacks depends on the power of GPU-based parallel computing, so Dr. Storti’s research and instructional efforts now include extensive use of CUDA with a special emphasis on application of 3D texels.

The first CUDA-based application to be released by the Storti group is DRRACC, a GPU-accelerated software toolkit for efficient computation of digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs). If you have reached this page for info about obtaining DRRACC, we regret to inform you that the arrangements for download and licensing are not quite complete yet. However, if you send a message to the following address, we will send a message to inform you when the software becomes available for download: