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Spring 2023 Edition

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Robotic grasper holding an Amazon mailer

Robotics for manufacturing

Researchers are exploring how robotics and AI can help improve manufacturing workers’ safety, standardize processes and more.

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Collage of three researchers' headshots

Helping students succeed as researchers

ME graduate students share their research interests and their experience taking a new course.

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Elijah Kuska headshot

Making an impact through research and teaching

Ph.D. candidate and instructor Elijah Kuska is advancing biomechanics research while meeting students where they are.

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An empowering education

Ph.D. candidate Malia Steward shares her journey to researching renewable energy and how she’s working to improve solar cell efficiency.

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Engineering a better medical tape

Ph.D. student Shawn Swanson recently led a clinical trial for ThermoTape, a medical adhesive that becomes less sticky when time for removal.

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To improve robots, look to birds

An improved mathematical model describes how birds flock together – which could be applied to build robots that move in the same way.

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A tiny break into toughness

To investigate how nanomaterials and nanostructure makes materials more resistant to breaking, UW researchers turn to nature.

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Quieting a bridge

Researchers found a solution to mitigating the noise caused by the SR 520 floating bridge’s expansion joints.

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Meet Ben Hempstead

The ME alum and director of technical services at Teague reflects on his time at the UW, his career and his role on the department’s Executive Advisory Board.

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The MEssenger is the department's alumni newsletter. Published twice a year, it features stories about students, faculty, research, alumni and more.


