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Autumn 2022 Edition

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Man walking on a treadmill wearing an exoskeleton device

Supporting mobility in cerebral palsy

Ph.D. student Alyssa Spomer is exploring how a robotic exoskeleton device paired with real-time feedback can enhance rehabilitation therapy for children with cerebral palsy.

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Collage of three researchers' headshots

Shining a light on 3D pathology researchers

Meet three former researchers from the Molecular Biophotonics Laboratory who are bringing their skills to neuroscience, biotechnology and medical school.

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Group photo of Husky Robotics team

Student clubs win big

Clubs involving ME students have been building robots and human-powered submarines and winning awards at in-person national and international competitions.

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Microplastics at the ocean surface

Postdoctoral researcher Luci Baker and Assistant Professor Michelle DiBenedetto are using fluid mechanics to research microplastics in the ocean.

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Meet Corey Clay

ME’s new Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer shares the experiences that led him to DEI work and efforts underway to increase representation in the department.

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Harvesting thermal energy to power wearable electronics

UW researchers, led by Assistant Professor Mohammad Malakooti, have developed a wearable thermoelectric device that converts body heat to electricity.

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Destroying ‘forever chemicals’

A team including Research Associate Professor Igor Novosselov created a reactor that can completely break down hard-to-destroy chemicals using “supercritical water.”

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Helping assembly-line robots pick up almost anything

A tool developed by UW researchers can design a 3D-printable passive gripper and calculate the best path to pick up an object.

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Planning for next-generation composites

UW researchers and industry representatives discussed the future of composites manufacturing at a meeting for the planned Center for Data-driven High-rate Composites Manufacturing.

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The MEssenger is the department's alumni newsletter. Published twice a year, it features stories about students, faculty, research, alumni and more.


