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Corie L. Cobb receives 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award

May 15, 2019

Corie L. Cobb

Associate professor Corie L. Cobb

ME associate professor Corie L. Cobb is the recipient of a 2019 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award (NTFA). Of the 100+ nominations, 17 were selected this year, and Cobb was the only UW recipient.

This highly competitive award recognizes outstanding new faculty who are nominated by 3M employees and selected based on the faculty member’s research, experience and academic leadership. In addition to the recognition, the NTFA provides financial support in the amount of $15,000 this year and opportunity for renewal if eligible. The award will help Cobb further her research in additive manufacturing and computational design methods for next generation engineered materials.

The award was created over twenty-five years ago to invest in individuals who will lead university teaching and research programs in the future.