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Patrick Aubin

Faculty Photo

Affiliate Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering


  • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University Of Washington, 2010
  • M.S. in Electrical Engineering, University Of Washington, 2006
  • B.S. in in Electrical Engineering, University Of Washington, 2004

Research Statement

Dr. Aubin’s research spans robotics and biomechanics with  applications in health and mobility. He motivates his research by engaging with patients and stakeholders to understand shortcomings in the areas of rehabilitation, prosthetics, orthotics, and physical therapy. Dr. Aubin strives to address these unmet patient and caregiver needs by establishing multidisciplinary research teams that leverage state of the art technologies in robotics, neuroscience, and computational intelligence. Dr. Aubin’s research goal is to develop and utilizes novel sensors, algorithms, assistive powered devices, and robotic tools that can augment human performance and/or improve mobility and function for those affected by disease, age or trauma.

Current projects

3D Printed Diabetic Insoles

We are developing patient specific 3D printed diabetic insoles to reduce the risk of developing plantar ulcers. 

Robotic Lower Limb Prosthesis

We are developing the next generation robotic lower limb prostheses for those with lower limb loss. 

Conservative treatments for ankle arthritis

We are evaluating the effectiveness of rocker bottom shoes and ankle foot orthoses for the conservative treatment of ankle osteoarthritis. Our state of the art biplane fluoroscopy system is being use to track the motion of the bones of the foot and ankle while using these devices to understand how they reduce pain.  

Robotic Knee Exoskeleton for Knee Ostearthritis

We are developing next generation robotic knee exoskeletons for people with knee osteoarthritis. We aim to develop smart devices that reduce knee pain and improve comfort beyond the current standard of care knee braces.