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Michelle Hickner

Faculty Photo

Assistant Teaching Professor
Mechanical Engineering


Dr. Hickner serves as the curriculum lead for the College of Engineering AI Education and Research Initiative, and has developed several machine learning, control, and biomechanics courses and graduate programs at the University of Washington. Dr. Hickner has served a variety of roles in the College of Engineering in the past, including supporting students and researchers in the mechanical engineering composites shop and educational labs and the Computed Tomography Facility. Dr. Hickner's research focuses on bio-inspired algorithms and data-driven control. Before joining University of Washington, Dr. Hickner spent several years working on aerosol device research and development with Enertechnix, Inc.


  • Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, 2023
  • M. Sc. Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, 2009
  • B.A. Physics, Oberlin College, 2006