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Mark Tuttle

Faculty Photo

Director, Center for Advanced Materials in Transport Aircraft Structures

Professor Emeritus
Mechanical Engineering

Adjunct Professor Emeritus
Industrial & Systems Engineering


Professor Tuttle joined the University of Washington as an Assistant Professor in 1985, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 1990 and Full Professor in 1995. He received a BS degree (1975) in Mechanical Engineering and an MS degree in Engineering Mechanics (1978), both from Michigan Tech, and a Ph.D in Engineering Mechanics in 1984 from Virginia Tech. Professor Tuttle has been an Adjunct Professor of Industrial Engineering since 2000. He served as Chair of the ME Department from 2004-10.

Professor Tuttle is currently Director of the Center for Advanced Materials in Transport Aircraft Structures (AMTAS). AMTAS is a consortium of 6 universities and is funded primarily by the Federal Aviation Administration. The primary focus of the center is safety and certification of the advanced composite structures used in modern transport aircraft.

Professor Tuttle has been Associate and Senior Technical Editor of Experimental Techniques, and has been a member of the Editorial Advisory Boards of Experimental Techniques and the Journal on Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. He co-edited the Manual on Experimental Methods for Mechanical Testing of Composites (1st edition), and authored the textbook Structural Analysis of Polymeric Composite Materials (1st and 2nd editions).

Professor Tuttle is a member of several professional engineering societies, and is particularly active in the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM). Professor Tuttle is a past-president of SEM, and became an SEM Fellow in 2005.


  • Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics, Virginia Tech, 1984
  • M.S. in Engineering Mechanics, Michigan Tech, 1978
  • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Michigan Tech, 1975

Research Statement

Professor Tuttle’s research interests involve applied solid mechanics, composite materials and structures, adhesion mechanics, and viscoelasticity. His studies have been devoted to predicting the mechanical response of discontinuous- and continuous-fiber composites, developing new composite repair technologies, the buckling response of composite laminates, optimal design of composite structures, and prediction of the long-term durability of composites.

Select publications

  1. Smith, B. P, Ashrafi, M., Tuttle, M.E., and Devasia, S., “Bondline Temperature Control for Joining Composites with an Embedded Heater”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol 138, No 2, February 2016.
  2. Ashrafi, M., and Tuttle, M. E., “Measurement of Strain Gradients Using Digital Image Correlation by Applying Printed Speckle Patterns”, Experimental Techniques, Vol 39 (1), 2015.
  3. Ashrafi, M., Devasia, S., and Tuttle, M.E., “Resistive Embedded Heating for Homogeneous Curing of Adhesively Bonded Joints, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Vol 57, pp 34-39, 2015.
  4. >Tuttle, M.E., Structural Analysis of Polymeric Composite Materials, 2nd edition, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, New York, ISBN 978-1439875124, 668 pgs, Dec 2012.

Honors & awards

  • Tatnall Award, Society for Experimental Mechanics, 2009
  • Ed Wells Summer Faculty Fellow, The Boeing Company, 2000
  • Summer Faculty Fellow, NASA-Langley Research Center, 1988
  • Sigma Xi Ph.D Research Award, 1984
  • Harting Award, Society for Experimental Mechanics, 1982
  • SEM Fellow, 2005