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John Palmore JR

Faculty Photo

Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering

Pronouns: he


Dr. John Palmore Jr leads the Combustion, Atomization, Multiphase, & Particulate Physics Research & Education (CAMP-PhyRE) group at the University of Washington. CAMP-PhyRE studies a wide range of problems in the energy and the environment sectors. The unifying tread of the research is a focus on multiphase flows, i.e., fluid flows of bubbles, droplets, and particles in a carrier fluid. CAMP-PhyRE deploys a wide range of strategies to study multiphase flows including mathematical analysis, an in-house high fidelity numerical solver, commercial computational fluid dynamics packages, and open-source machine learning tools. CAMP-PhyRE currently has open projects in spray & droplet combustion for aviation engines, environmental dust & ice particle ingestion in aviation engines, and hydroacoustic methods for invasive fish species deterrence.


  • PhD in Aerospace Engineering, Cornell Unviersity, 2018
  • MS in Aerospace Engineering, Cornell Unviersity, 2015
  • BS in Aerospace Engineering, University of Alabama, 2012

Previous appointments

  • Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2018-2024
  • Postdoc, Cornell University, 2018

Select publications

  1. Cairen Miranda and John Palmore Jr, "Importance of Preferential Segregation by Aerodynamics in Dust Rig Tests", Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2023.
  2. Meha Setiya and John Palmore Jr, " Quasi-steady evaporation of deformable liquid fuel droplets," International Journal of Multiphase Flow , 2023.
  3. Yushu Lin and John Palmore, Jr., "Effect of droplet deformation and internal circulation on drag coefficient," Physical Review Fluids, 2022.
  4. John Palmore Jr, "On the Vaporization Rate and Flame Shape of Non-Spherical Droplets," Journal of Heat Transfer, 2022.
  5. John Palmore Jr and Olivier Desjardins ,"A volume of fluid framework for interface-resolved simulations of vaporizing liquid-gas flows", Journal of Computational Physics, 2019.